Foot and Mouth Disease in South Africa

Worldwide, one of the greatest threats to livestock production – and to the regional and international trade of animals and animal products – is the occurrence of foot-and-mouth disease (FMD). This disease is estimated to circulate in roughly 77% of the global livestock populations of Africa, the Middle East, Asia and limited parts of South America. Even countries currently free from FMD without vaccination are not unsusceptible to incursion.
FMD is a transboundary disease caused by an RNA virus called the FMD virus (FMDV). Seven different varieties of the virus, or more accurately called serotypes, have been identified and described, depending on the region in which it occurs: O, A, C, Asia 1, SAT 1, SAT 2 and SAT 3. All seven of these serotypes give rise to a similar disease with similar symptoms and can only really be distinguished from one another in a laboratory. Unfortunately, vaccination and immunity to one serotype does not confer immunity to another. This highly contagious disease affects both wild and domestic cloven-hoofed animals such as sheep and goats, cattle, pigs and other artiodactyl species like the African Buffalo.
FMD is endemic in African buffalo in the Kruger National Park and surrounding game parks in South Africa. The incidence and distribution of FMD is influenced by the cycles in both wildlife and those independently maintained in livestock, meaning that once cattle are infected, they maintain infected without any further involvement from buffalo. The large number of buffalo found in and around South Africa provide a constant source for potential sporadic infection of domestic livestock. Although the exact mechanism through which FMD is transmitted from buffalo to cattle is not established, it is accepted that direct contact between the species results in transmission of the disease.
Animals can pick up the virus either by having direct contact with an infected animal, or by coming into contact with contaminated items, such as feed, vehicles, clothing, and carcasses. Although not as common, airborne distribution of the virus is also possible. Persons who have been in close proximity to infected animals can potentially carry the virus in their nasal passage for up to 28-hours, spreading it to other susceptible animals. The FMD virus can also reside in raw meat, in milk and other animal products from FMD-exposed or infected animals.
The far-reaching effects of FMD on the livestock industry and the consequences thereof on the economy is why such great concern was shown in March of 2022, when a case of FMD was detected on a farm in the Potchefstroom and Ventersdorp area of the North-Western province. Despite strict quarantine measures upon discovering this, disease investigations of the North-West Provincial Veterinary Services found that the FMD virus had spread to adjacent farms within a 10-kilometer radius as well. Regrettably, the disease also managed to spread to other provinces, some of which had never before had FMD. Up to date there have been more than 116 reported cases of FMD across 5 of the 9 provinces in South Africa, including Gauteng, North-West, KwaZulu Natal (KZN), Limpopo and the Freestate. The same SAT3 virus was found to be responsible for the outbreaks in Limpopo, the Free State, Nort-West and Gauteng. This outbreak presumably occurred due to the illegal movement of cloven-hoofed animals from a FMD controlled zone to a FMD free zone; furthermore, more than 40 dip tanks were tested positive for the disease, indicating that illegal movement of animals have been occurring since after the disease was declared “controlled” in the disease management area in September of 2021. These tanks, as well as the infected farms and their direct surroundings, have been placed under strict quarantine, with a strong warning of persecution for those who illegally transport animals.
An outbreak of FMD has quite a significant impact on the profitability of livestock trades due to a decrease in production as well as the loss of international trade. After losing our FMD-free status in 2011, South Africa has frequent has smaller outbreaks in some parts of the KZN, Mpumalanga and Limpopo provinces. These outbreaks often resulted in the suspension of any exports of cloven-hoofed animals and their products to other countries, and even forced a stop to wool auctions. In April of this year, a ban was once again placed on the import of all cloven-hoofed animals and their products, including wool, by China. China imports 80% of the 45 million kilograms of wool produced in South Africa every year, worth nearly R6 billion in revenue. Without China, this number will significantly drop, and many fear that the wool industry will be crippled. In addition to that, numerous jobs stand to be lost if farmers are not to receive their annual wool income. Many of these farmers are still recovering from the overwhelming effects of a recent drought and were relying on the wool income to recover. That, combined with the current pressures of increased fuel prices and the effects of all of this on the meat prices, have put many sheep farmers, as well as other livestock producers, in a very tough situation.
The department of agriculture, land reform and rural development has already made contact with China and is working around the clock to try and lift the ban so exports can continue. Since the wool has already been certified by a state veterinarian and complies with the export requirements of being FMD free, there is hope that wool can be excluded from the ban in the near future. In the meantime, farmers and members of the public who come into contact with cloven hoofed animals are strongly urged to disinfect and follow strict biosecurity protocols. Although vaccinations for FMD exist, the use of this vaccine is strictly controlled by state veterinary services and is not available for sale to the general public. FMD vaccination campaigns are ongoing in areas where there is active virus circulation and in areas where the animals are not fenced in, such as Limpopo and KZN. Despite this, steps can still be taken to ensure you have the best chance of preventing FMD on your farm. The Minister of Agriculture, Land Reform and Rural Development, Ms Thoko Didiza, provided a few principles to safeguard the health status of your herds’:
- Abide by all veterinary movement restrictions.
- Know the health status of the animals you are investing in.
- Only buy animals that originate from known and proven sources.
- Insist on a veterinary health declaration before animals are brought onto the farm.
- If in doubt, request a health attestation from the seller’s veterinarian.
- Keep the new arrivals to your farm separate from your own animals for at least 28 days, and until you are satisfied that they are healthy.
- Do not move animals showing signs of disease.
- Do not buy animals from unknown origins.
- Do not buy animals originating from known infected areas.
- Improve biosecurity on your farm to protect your animals from diseases coming onto the farm and avoid nose-to-nose contact with the neighbour’s cattle.
- Avoid buying animals from live auctions where animals have gathered from many different origins, especially if not intended for immediate slaughter.
Department of Agriculture, L. R. (2022, April 11). Minister Thoko Didiza provides update on the foot-and-mouth disease outbreak in South Africa. Retrieved from South African Government:
Department of Agriculture, L. R. (2022, May 30). Update Report: Foot and Mouth Disease. Retrieved from National Animal Health Forum:
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WRLFMD. (n.d.). Serotypes. Retrieved from WRLFMD: